Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hospital Visits

Here are pictures of all our visitors in the hospital. There for 5 days since Samantha had to have a couple more days and antibiotics (high white blood cell count shows a flag for a possible infection as well as high then low temp. at birth).

But all was well and we came home on Tuesday June 22nd.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Peanut Arrives!

Samantha Marie Tomjack; 7lbs. 6oz., 20 in long at 9:09 PM. When she arrived Sam only cried for a little bit and then opened her eyes and was looking at me and Michael and around the room. She seemed so happy and content and was checking out the world for the first time. She was beautiful! I had to apologize to her for thinking she was a boy for 9 months, but Dad was right about her being a girl and that she would come out and meet us on her due date! She's wonderful.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Finished Nursery

Under the Sea theme for the nursery...Can't wait for Lil Peanut to be here!

39 Weeks: 10 days to Due Date!

Wow, I can't believe my due date is in 10 Days! Last week I had gained a total of 26 pounds, am measuring exactly where I am supposed to 39cm, and I was 1/2 a cm dialated (which I think is funny). I think now is a great time to compare shot of the belly from beginning to now...Crazy!!