Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hospital Visits

Here are pictures of all our visitors in the hospital. There for 5 days since Samantha had to have a couple more days and antibiotics (high white blood cell count shows a flag for a possible infection as well as high then low temp. at birth).

But all was well and we came home on Tuesday June 22nd.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Peanut Arrives!

Samantha Marie Tomjack; 7lbs. 6oz., 20 in long at 9:09 PM. When she arrived Sam only cried for a little bit and then opened her eyes and was looking at me and Michael and around the room. She seemed so happy and content and was checking out the world for the first time. She was beautiful! I had to apologize to her for thinking she was a boy for 9 months, but Dad was right about her being a girl and that she would come out and meet us on her due date! She's wonderful.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Finished Nursery

Under the Sea theme for the nursery...Can't wait for Lil Peanut to be here!

39 Weeks: 10 days to Due Date!

Wow, I can't believe my due date is in 10 Days! Last week I had gained a total of 26 pounds, am measuring exactly where I am supposed to 39cm, and I was 1/2 a cm dialated (which I think is funny). I think now is a great time to compare shot of the belly from beginning to now...Crazy!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

36 Weeks: Memorial Wknd

It still surprises me how big I am and that I am so close to the end. So that means I can still get bigger...LOL. This weekend was Memorial Wknd and it was not only Mike's 28th B-day but my parents came down to visit and help us finish the last minute details for Lil Peanut. The nursery is now done and I am so excited! The nursery is now my favorite room in the house!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

34 Weeks: School Baby Shower

This week had my school baby shower that my fellow fifth grade teachers threw for me. It was really nice and all my coworkers are very generous. All our family and friends are so great to have given the Lil Peanut such great stuff and necessities. Now we just need the Lil Peanut here to put all our things to use!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

30 Weeks

Here is the cheesy 30 wk grin!! Getting closer and closer. Went on a field trip all day to an island near Wilmington for work and was shocked at how well I did. Man was I sore afterwards and the feet were swollen!! That has taken some getting used too; the swollen body parts. LOL

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April 10, 2010 Nursery Furniture's Here!

We finally received all the parts and pieces we needed to put together the furniture! Now that we have some of the bedding, we have decided on a Mint Green color (just like on the top of the hamper) for the wall paint color. It's bright, and a little out of Mike's and my comfort zone, but it is fresh and contrasts well against our antique white furniture and beige carpet. I can't wait until it's all done! Peanut and I are healthy and happy; 30 weeks along and counting!

28 Weeks Baby Shower March 28, 2010

The baby shower that my Mom and Sister had at Charley's Other Brother was wonderful! I had so much fun and it was great to see all my close family and friends. I was happy that everyone was also able to travel there to spend a few hours with me and brought such amazing gifts for the Lil Peanut!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

24 Weeks

Uncle Doug came down to visit the first week in March to help Mike finish the siding on our house. It was nice having him come down and see the house, the baby belly, and NC. I am looking forward to Annmarie and Doug coming down again once Lil Peanut is here to see more of Wilmington and have some fun!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

22 Weeks

It's Valentine's and President's Day Weekend and Aunt Lora came down to visit during a record breaking snowstorm here in Wilmington, NC. We had up to 4 inches on Friday, 2/12/10, when Lora flew in from Philly. We are glad she made it safe and sound!

As you can see the belly has grown TREMENDOUSLY since the last picture at 18weeks. Lil Peanut is making moves and Mike FINALLY can feel him/her! I have been feeling really well myself, as long as I stay away from the spicy foods...Yikes, Heartburn! It is still amazing to look down and see my big baby belly...We cannot wait to meet lil Peanut!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

19 Weeks

Mike and I went on Wednesday to our third doctors appointment where we had the 18-20 week ultrasound. It was so amazing! Lil Peanut was moving around like crazy! The nurse had asked what I had for lunch, apparently he/she was very excited about their picture being taken. Everything is exactly where it is supposed to be with measurements and the due date has remained the same from the 8 week appointment; June 18th. We also were trying to sneak a peak to see if our baby was a boy or girl, but we couldn't tell and we don't truly want too. We want Peanut to surprise us in June. The brother in law, Tom, has the dollar pool going on Boy or Girl, so anyone who wants to join in the fun let us know! Ha Ha...I say boy, and Tom says he's going with the mother; but Mike and Grandma T, Lora, Ryan, and (I think) Scott say Girl. We shall see!

Friday, January 1, 2010

16 weeks

Well, the first trimester has come and gone. I am finally seeing a little belly, which I feel like I have been waiting so long for! I think I was really lucky through this first trimester...I had a few bouts of morning sickness, nothing too bad compared to other stories I've heard. It also took a little time to start adjusting to: the little morning routine changes, feeling exhausted ALL THE TIME, and having clothes fit tighter and tighter.
SO now that I am in the Second Trimester the morning sickness is gone, I am not feeling anywhere near as exhausted, and I am seeing my belly become bigger and hard. I also have felt what doctors call the quickening (little movements from lil Peanut)...SO crazy and exciting; but I wish Mikey could feel it. Soon we hope!